
Tsion Behailu


Atlanta, GA


Product Strategy, Startup Ecosystems, Technical Proficiency in Developing AI Solutions, Scaling Operations, Hands-on Technical Guidance, Product Lifecycle Management (UX, ideation, prototyping, deployment, and scaling)
Java, Python, Typescript, Go, C, Javascript
Frameworks & Tools
Google App Engine, Angular, Ruby on Rails, Matlab, Latex

In my free time, I'm usually..

  • Reading pop culture think pieces
  • Looking for cute Parisian cafes to read in
  • Taking language classes and quitting before I'm fluent
  • Binge watching tv shows even after they stop being good
  • Running out of vacation days

I'm a software engineer and advisor based in ATL - reach out if you’re offering a billion* or more per year


Work Experience

Startup Advisor
May 2024 - Present

Founding Engineer / Arize AI
March 2020 - May 2024

Lead the development of cutting-edge AI technology in the Machine Learning Observability industry.

Software Engineer / Google
Aug 2015 - Feb 2020

Did some cool things on Android Partner, Waze Ads, and Drive Viewing.

Software Engineering Intern / Groupon
Jun 2014 - Aug 2014

Automated the collection of page performance metrics for the SEO team.


University of California, Berkeley
2011 - 2015

B.A. Computer Science